Considerazioni da sapere su 购买WIDAF认证

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Disposer d'un surveillant minimum pour 15 candidats, qui peut également assurer le rôle de responsable de l'organisation

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The first exercise is called "Synonym". These are multiple choice questions (with 4 suggested answers) without any particular context. This exercise tests out the richness of the candidate’s vocabulary.

Il vespero indiqué au candidat libre sur sa convocation s’il passe l'épreuve sous format papier ou sous format digital.

Functional approach to language development This approach helps educators focus on the purposeful use of language.

The WiDaF test, which is the same worldwide, offers both companies and applicants a tool for fast and reliable as well as objective proof of German language skills relevant to the workplace.

It is obvious that your here language level at the moment will determine your grade. If you are a beginner, you should not expect to reach a C1 score even with very rigorous preparation.

Une fois l’inscription validée, le candidat reçoit une convocation amante indiquant s’il passe le test sous format papier ou format digital.

Ce test est destiné à des personnes dont l’allemand n’est pas la langue maternelle et in questo luogo souhaitent attester de leur niveau linguistique pour le faire valoir sur leur CV.


The candidate must complete the sentences with one of the solutions, which are suggested to get the correct formulation. Examples:

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